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Council approves grant funding to support improvements at Birdhouse, botanical garden
June 2, 2024

KNOXVILLE - Knoxville City Council voted to approve $247,855 in Historic Preservation Program grant funds to support property improvements at the Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum and the Birdhouse Neighborhood Center.

Since 2014, the City’s Housing and Neighborhood Development Department has received applications for projects to receive grant funding from the City’s Historic Preservation Program. A committee comprised of staff and individuals with professional backgrounds in architecture and historic preservation evaluates applications based on their alignment with the purpose of the program and ability to meet benchmarks for conditions of funding, including cost feasibility, project readiness and community benefit.

The 44-acre Howell Nurseries, now known as the Knoxville Botanical Garden & Arboretum, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in July 2022. Council approved $240,315 to rehabilitate the Visitors Center roof and foundation, replace the maintenance building roof and complete additional historic architectural restoration.

The 133-year-old Birdhouse Neighborhood Center at 800 N. Fourth Avenue was originally built as a residential home. Grant funding in the amount of $7,540 will be used to repaint and replace portions of deteriorated wood siding as well as replace the front door with one that is energy efficient and harmonious with the architectural character of the building and surrounding structures.

Projects are funded and secured through a five-year forgivable loan. Work must be completed by June 2025.

For more information about the City’s Historic Preservation Fund and projects that have been supported in the past, visit here.

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